Saturday, 4 February 2017

OAF - Useful Page Params

Useful Page Params - 

These APIs provide access to middle-tier objects associated with the current page state. 

OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);


OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("PageInfoVO");

String VOAttributeValue = (String)vo.getCurrentRow().getAttribute("VOAttribute");

Boolean istrue = pageContext.isLovEvent();

String event = pageContext.getParameter("event");

String source = pageContext.getParameter("source");

String event_param = pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM);

String varValue = pageContext.getSessionValue("VarName");

String varValue = pageContext.getParameter("VarName");

String varValue = pageContext.getTransientSessionValue("VarName");

Request Parameters: 

These methods provide access to the HTTP request parameters, and most of the relevent methods delegate to the equivilent API on the ServletRequest object. However unlike a ServletRequest object, these parameters are mutable. This allows a controller for a particular region to add parameters before another controller is invoked, effectively passing those parameters to the other region. 


getParameter(String name) 
getParameterValues(String name) 
getParameterObject(String name) 
getDecryptedParameter(String paramName) 
putParameter(String name, Object value) 
removeParameter(String name) 

Form POST Context: 

These methods can be used to determine if the request object contains a form POST and the name of the form. 



Named Data Objects 
DataObjects specify the interface that data sources used during rendering need to implement. Within the OA Framework, DataObjects are typically created around BC4J view objects. The APIs provide access to the DataObject dictionary maintained by the OA Framework. Additional DataObjects can be created for custom data sources. See DataBoundValue for additional information about binding custom data sources to UI beans. 

getNamedDataObject(String name) 

putNamedDataObject(String name, DataObject dataObject) 
removeNamedDataObject(String name) 


These methods provide access to various aspects of personalizations and the OA personalization UI. 

getCustomizationHeaderTexts(OAWebBean webBean) 

getCustomizationHeaderTexts(String regionCode, String regionApplId) 
setCustomizationHeaderTexts(OAWebBean webBean, DataObject customizationHeaderTexts) 
setCustomizationHeaderTexts(String regionCode, String regionApplId, DataObject customizationHeaderTexts) 
getPortletCustomizationCriteria(OATableBean table) 
getPortletCustomizationNonViewAttrCriteria(OATableBean table) 
getPersonalizedDisplayedItems(OAWebBean parentBean, String viewId) 

OAMessageLovInputBean LovBean = 

OADescriptiveFlexBean DFFBean = 
OAMessageTextInputBean inputbean = 

OAImageBean imagebean =


Setting Properties for Input Text Bean -


inputbean.setValue(pageContext, null); 

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